
gear-76735_1920Welcome to JMS Consultancy, a Lean and Six Sigma consulting company dedicated to helping clients achieve the results they strive for by providing improvement efforts which identify process weaknesses, break down barriers, remove resistance, and identify specific improvement tasks. goals, objectives and schedules.
This opens the door for necessary changes allowing clients to capitalize on improved and higher efficiency processes and business activities.  In doing this, JMS Consultancy provides the guidance, knowledge and necessary tools for making and sustaining improvements in clients’ organizations.

Our Mission


JMS Consultancy is dedicated to helping organizations run at peak performance by identifying and removing the sources of waste and variation within processes, allowing maximized productivity with minimal waste and/or variation.


Utilizing these tools will allow organizations to rapidly adjust to meet customer demands, producing products or services at higher quality, with greater efficiencies and at lower costs. These practices can be applied equally to nearly every business area, including:

  • New Product Design or Development
  • Manufacturing Operations
  • Business Production Operations
  • Supply Chain Integration
  • Office Operations
  • Value Streams